
Hold on there, carpet and rat rod do not go together. { It does look good though } The rat rod cult is about how crappy you can make a ride look and still be drivable. But in the end it's your ride, looks cool , other than the chevy engine , I'd drive it

Hmm, maybe I'm old school, or got into it when it was fresh. But a "rat rod" (didn't call it that then) was about taking a derelict and getting it running. Everything else was secondary for most, including steering and stopping. I usually worked bassackwards, get it stopping, steering then worry about running good. Looks were always secondary and usually consisted for cleaning out the years worth of rat carp, leaves, spider webs, etc. Maybe throw a cheap Mexican blanket from TJ on the seat but that was about it.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.