


Thats what pisses me off... this is FEDERAL but yet
each state has their version... I am legal here in
Mich but I have no idea about other states,so far
I havent had any problems in Mich, Indiana or Ohio

I'm not even close to needing a cdl but some of the towing stories I've heard make me nervous when towing out of state.

I don't know if its true but I was told PA is the worst by more than a few people.

I have heard PA is bad... thats why I dont go there

I have trailered in PA many times, just last summer and then many times to Reading. Yup have never been bothered.

I have never been pulled over in any state trailering and have done quite a bit of it.

I used pickup trucks and a toterhome with 26', 40' goose and 49' goose.

I wash my truck and trailer before every trip. Keep up on my maintance and drive a couple miles under the speed limit. If your stuff looks maintained I think it goes a long ways to them leaving you alone.
OT I have/OWN a small fleet of fuel tankers and deal with the federal rules everyday since 1983 and have been through at least 4, 3 day audits of my PUCO records.(driver training, hazmat training, logs, pre trip inspection paper work, and a ton of other record keeping.

I have asked them about race car trailers because mine sit's right outside my office window and they know I'm a racer. They say no lettering and your not speeding they couldn't care less about the weekend racer. Now if your speeding or have questionable dirty equipment then they will look closer at you.

I think it says alot about a driver who keeps his rig spotless and they agree and I know that from talking with these guys for 3 days straight.

If your rig is lettered your commercial, if it's not then you can get by without a CDL because you can say it's recreational, which it is for most of us.

My 36000GVW toterhome was built from the get go as a RV and has motorhome plates which exempts me from any CDL laws in all states or least in the states I have been in which is most of them except the upper western coast.