Well just two passes and maybe had a couple loose plug wires.
spun then it was moving around so let off at the 1/8th and rolled back into it . it was driving left almost took out top end cones.
10.64 @ 126
I had the ladder bars off made them the same and put them back on so!

TT 1

TT1 my playbook


So I took about 2.5 flats out of the right ladder bar went up and just as I was staging brake peddle went to the floor. Got in as deep as you can without going red top bulb was long out. switched on The T brake and launched off it as brakes would not allow me to torque it. Good launch but 1.55 short as i was in so deep. Let off before the end worried about the brakes and went 10.66 @ 123. geared down to early may have bent some valves but there was a couple pop pops when I let off before I geared down and sent the tach to 8200. Pushrods and rockers are all good oil pressure but it's down on power so think it bents some valves. i have a feeling my valve springs are going away may have been what broke the exhaust rocker last week!

It did drive real straight



Looking to next year!

Thanks for all the help and suggestions
definitely think I'm getting things right but it was only 45 deg today when I ran at 11:20 and 11:45

Last edited by Dodgem; 11/23/12 10:40 PM.