That is the reason I got into street rods as well, but it was 20 years ago when I made the move. Most people were a lot more friendly back then. These days, seems like everyone wants you to have the same stuff as they have or then start crying or complaining.

A month or so ago, I was at a local fast food park in with my coupe. My car is suppose to resemble an old dirt track race car, but mine doesn't have a roll cage in it, for a number of reasons. One guy stood there and pitched because of the lack of a cage in my car. A little later that night I ended up at his car, which also gives the impression of an old dirt track race car. His has the race car motor, tires, wheels, and exhaust of a race car, but he too is missing a roll cage. I ask him when he was putting a cage in his car and his response was "I don't want to mess up my nice interior!" I called him on the fact he was just reaming me for not having a cage in my car, but it was OK for him not to have one in his car? What's up with that? He left a few minutes later.

Bottom line, build your car the way you want it. When people feel the need to tell you what you should do with your car (and some will), tell them you expect them to fund the changes and hold your hand out for their cash donation. Most leave pretty quickly.

Don't let the know it alls and the self appointed rod police steal your joy. Just because they live a pityful existence, nothing says you have to join them. Gene