
I converted my 87 Diplomat to four speed years ago. Used an A body A833 (non-OD). I used a Hurst Competition shifter and a truck handle to clear the bench seat and the ashtray, I smoke so the ashtray is usually open.

I got the shifter hump and pedal assembly from an 80ish (I think 81) Aspen and I also used the Aspen to make a template to cut the hole in the firewall for the clutch linkage to pass thru. In 81 they eliminated the hole in the M body firewall since a stick wasn't an option anymore.

I had all the info on GeoCities but here's a link to an archive http://www.oocities.org/motorcity/2398/mbody/mbody.html

the pics have gone down from the site would you happen to have them saved still?

I'm also slowly working on my M- and have the 4-speed already, so I'll be watching this topic closely.