
What is the best suggestion as to how to paint the fender, trunk, exposed bolts after hanging the painted sheetmetal?

The best way? Install, align, and gap all of the panels before painting the car, that's how the factory did it on millions of Mopars, why mess with success?

Unfortunetely the "Chevy/Ford" menatallity is rampant among painters who seem to think the only way to paint a car is to blow it appart and shoot each panel on it's own on body bucks. Not only does this create a detail issue for Mopar purists (bolts, unpainted areas, overspray, etc.) it is also a good way to end up with painted panels that look different when installed because of the angle and application of the paint, especially on panel edges and with metallic paints.

That said, the air brush method makes the most sense to correct it, hopefully the artist is good enough to pull off a believable finished look. Also, if you want good paint adhesion blast those plated bolts (those are aftermarket bolts right?) so the paint will get a better grip.