O.k. - Is anyone familiar with any paint codes
that would have had 2 different part numbers that refer to the same paint?
I know that if you were ordering touch-up or replacement paint from a different supplier(say PPG,DuPont,R&M,etc..)as opposed to Chrysler Co.,each manufacturer could have their own part # assigned to the same color.BUT...How about within Chrysler itself ?

This question in particular is in reguards to a Macho Power Wagon.The Paint code for Citron Green on build sheets/core tag would be listed as PY7858 but in the dealer service manual for '79
the part # is listed as AY70RJ3.I know that these are the same color,is there any known reason why the numbers would have been refered to differently?
How about some of you guys with high end 'birds
& Bee's,etc...If you have a dealer service manual for your model year line have you ever compared
the CHRYSLER CODE number listed in the book for your paint to the code number on build sheet or fender tag?
Trying to decifer the trucks has proven to be even more of an enigma than the cars sometimes so any thoughts/answers are would be greatly appreciated. Thanks A.l

1978 Round Up-1977 Warlock-1977 Powerwagon Adven.- 1976 Blue "Macho"-1974 Charger-1968 Fury III -1966 Newport *