
Is it still pump gas ? Do you plan to still drive it on the street cause there is nothing wrong with 10.70 street cars. Did you hit your et goal you were looking for ? Nice job on it and congrats on 10's. Ron

Yep, still runs on 92 octane. Pump gas is the only thing I have ever run the car on this allows me to enjoy the car more. I drove it to work everyday last week, cruise it around when the weather is decent. As for my goals yes I would say it reached them, there are things that need upgraded still to get more power out of it, the carb, bigger header, bigger exhaust etc. But for now I am pleased with the way the car runs. Not many legitimate 10 second street cars running around up here.


Thank you for taking the time to post your story with the pics. It's always interesting to hear how a build turns out. Good job and thank you for using my product.


Thanks for providing the small block world with a great product at an affordable price. My machinist loved the crank, asked me multiple times where I got it so he could recommend them in the future.


Nice man!
All these stout LA builds are making me rethink the RB route...

How are the street manners with that cam?

Livable, but compared to the baby hydraulic that I'm used to it is a bit of a change. You hear the valvetrain noise, and the car sort of rumbles until about 2500 rpm. Doesn't bother me at all, other drivers on the road get a kick out of it and everyone I've taken for rides in the car enjoys it as well. This cam wasn't really designed with street driving in mind though, I told him pick the cam you would for a racecar, and I'll deal with the street manners.


SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! I was wondering why you commented on a post saying you went 1.49 in the 60'...

Yeah there have been a few hints dropped before making this post. I dare you to put a cam in it!


Dustin I'm happy for you now that it is doing what you wanted it to do. Congrats on the license stuff as well. I know you will have a good year racing as you seem to everyyear no matter the car. Look forward to you guys coming down here again for the turkey race. Best of luck with the rest of the season!!

Thanks Al, I look forward to coming down again as well. I'll take this time as well to thank another moparts member Jess for giving me the opportunity to license in his car this past weekend. Its a great working piece and really makes my car seem slow! [Email]9.02@142[/Email] lifting early was a ton of fun and I do appreciate him trusting me with his car.


Now you just need to bring it east!

You Indiana guys are bullies! All kidding aside I would love to, hopefully Chris and I can make it happen, or find rides over there and fly in

Thank you for the kind words everyone, There is something rewarding about building it all yourself and watching things develop. Thanks again!

Last edited by Triple Threat; 06/19/12 01:07 PM.

67 Dart, 9 second, 392" G3 Hemi
68 Barracuda 340 F/SA