

Hey, just a little help on the brake bleeding, pull the cap off the master cylinder, and loosen one bleader at a time and let gravity do its thing...You would be surprised at how well that works. Sometimes you don't even have to wait that long. Last one I did, took less than 2 min and brake fluid was comming out after changing out the rear wheel cylinder in my diesel the other week.

I had one car, for the life of me, I could not get a good pedal on no matter how much I bled them, pulled the cap off, filled the master up all the way to the brim, let it sit thru lunch and diner, and bingo...

That method works great on stock location master cylinders but if the master is below the calipers it ain't gonna work.

Very true... but my master is on the firewall...
with the couple of loose nuts it did gravity flow
(of course on the floor... I hate that brake fluid)
and when the wife brought home another QT of fluid
it took all of 5 minutes and it was done(thank you wifey)