I like running tubes to stiffen the sidewall even more. But I am running 1.2x sixty foot times at 3200+ pounds, so it is hard on sidewalls. This makes the tire work longer. I get 200 passes on my Phoenix slicks, 14" wide rims, 11.0 psi, tubes; basically until the tread is gone in the center.

IMO, tubes or not are your call on any slick. Some tires don't hold pressure very well overnight without tubes, but liquid dish soap can help. If you are happy with the life of your regular sidewall slicks, try them with tubes. I think your car is light enough and mild enough 60 ft to get by without the stiff sidewall slick; but it could work either way.

1993 Daytona, 5.50 at 130mph (1/8) 1.19 sixty ft (PG). Link to 572 B1 - Part 1