

not looking at ur car in person, can u raise ur cell up higher?? i have a mallory g-rotor pump, directions state pump must below sump or level with it. that maybe an option.

I don't think I can raise it enough to help. Also, it is enclosed in steel on the sides, and the outlet passes through it.
I am glad you told me about your Mallory, as that is one I am considering.


I helped write the Mallory instructions. Yes, it is better if the pump can be gravity fed. It avoids a lot of customer phone calls with problems. For instance, if there is even a tiny leak in the line between the tank and the pump, the pump may not prime (ever try to suck through a straw with a hole in it?). Also, as the pump gets older, it doesn't suck as well. So, to be safe, it is better to have the pump gravity fed. Still, the Mallory gerotor pump will prime a lot better than the BG pump. When I was testing BG pumps on the bench many years ago, I found that the pump would only prime if it was placed on the floor below the fuel storage tank we had mounted on the bench. New Mallory pumps would prime even if 2 or 3 feet above the tank.
Of course, BG pump design may have changed since then, but this is my experience.

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