
I don't think Transtar sells that gasket, at least it is not in the catalog. They list one pan gasket, which is a Duraprene gasket. I don't think Dodge sells them either for this app, but I may be wrong. The problem with these pans is they are very thin, and a gasket usually will not seal properly because the pan will distort while tightening it with a gasket. Silicone will seal fine if applied properly.

I didnt notice the pan being any thinner than the pan on the vans transmission (727), the RFE pan has about 20-25% more surface area overall vs the torqueflite twins. I did reinstall with silicone and just as an extra measure waited overnight before refilling with +4. No leaks . Several years ago chrysler did a 180 on their silicone for all attitude and released 3 reusable pan gaskets for the 3 & 4 speed FWD transmissions and they are an absolute godsend. Dont have to fight the pan off and risk bending anything or the hassle of scraping off RTV.