

when I first saw the cover the first thought that crossed my little mind was 'stool softener'. I thought about it a bit though and decided you guys were trying to project your 'game face' instead. (Just yankin' your chain Zippy)
I think you guys do a great job, I'd love to go to work every day and work on stuff like that. Dave

Dude you're killin' me

We found those facial expressions came naturally because it was 14 degrees with 30mph wind that day, and there we were in short sleeves standing at the open service door to the shop for like an hour.

All my skin on my torso hurt a little bit for two days afterward, did not expect that to happen

the things you do for 15 minutes of fame good to put a face with a name.

Light travels faster than the speed of sound,,,this is why some people seem bright untill you hear them speak.