Yup. available at just about every car parts store in town. I buy the 1 gallon jugs, or the 2.5 gallon jugs, but they all look the same as this spray bottle:


use it on your garage floors, greasey parts, etc. it works great. sprinkle a little straight onto the floor, use a pushbroom to scrub it around, then hose it off. leaves your floors clean as new! (as long as the stains haven't soaked into the porous concrete)

but yes, absolutely you MUST wear gloves when getting your hands into this stuff. I was just dunking and swishing some oil covered parts in a bucket of the stuff, no real prolonged exposure...I just dunked the parts, swished them around, then dunked them into a water rinse bucket.

after about 10 minutes of that, my hands were burning and red.

for the next week, my hands were flaking and peeling dry dead skin off from the chemical burns I received from such short exposure time to the purple power!

**Photobucket sucks**