
Hey guys i have a 66 coronet with manual 4 wheel drum brakes. Im switching to a dual res M.C. and what i need to know is how the heck do i get the pushrod off of the old master cylinder? The new one didnt come with one! Not sure how to get it off but i dont want to screw it up! anyone? I need help fast!.......thanks joe

easiest way is this. Undo the 4 nuts holding the master cylinder onto the firewall. Pull it away about 1/2-3/4 inch and stick a spacer or two behind. I use a couple small chunks of 1x4. Go in the car and yank the pedal up. Bingo. It's out! Just don't whack the brake light switch when you pull up on the pedal. And- always double check the brake light switch adjustment after installing the new masted cylinder so the brake lights come on when they should and aren't staying on