This is simply a cops( now Mopar brother's )poem that touched my soul as a youg cop in the 80s. I am now 42 and have been to too many cop/ friends funerals. 10-42 means End of watch here in Nevada, I hope it means the same across the country. As stated in the tribute post, I never met Gary. However we spoke many times via the telephone because we obviously had a lot in common being cops and MOPAR crazy at the same time,since the day I left the defunked Dallas page and came here. We spoke of Mopars, cop work and personal hurdles we both had and he asked questions as I am older and have spent my whole life in this job since I was 21. Gary tolded me that if I made his last BBQ that he would make mine out West, we both said yes and we both failed. Please read this with an open mind. And I want to thank all of the people on moparts for the unbelieveable respect and admiration of Gary and police for the job they/ we do. I cant believe how great you people are.

This poem was in PORAC,( A California Nevada cops monthly newspaper) circa 1987 or so.
(written by W.Coffer and D. Baratta) circa 1980s, late 80s.

"All of us know were human,
Well probably make a mistake,
Trusting to luck and the chance we can duck,
if we dont get a decent break.

We tend to fall into patterns,
Forgetting to use our head,
And every once to often,
We have to bury our dead!

All of us hide our emotions,
Bury them deep inside,
Not to display our grief and dismay
is a point of professional pride.
Yet a common felling binds us
Once we have learned to dread,
The bitter taste of ashes
When we are forced to bury our dead!

All of us form the processions
stiffen and shiver at taps,One of us pays, so the bugler plays and we touch our hands to our caps.

At such a time we wonder,
how our kids will be raised and fed,
if we are the subject of honor
when we come to bury out dead.

All of us know who kills us,
But few of us understand why,
The action we crave runs close to the grave
though no body wants to die.

So give us a righteous answer,
Are we wolf born through honor bread?
Or a gaggle of fools who play by the rules,
and forever must burry our dead?

UNLAWFL is now 10-42. Goodbye partner, you have truly made a huge difference, I wish I was 1/10th the person you were! Dave.

my tribute, thanks to your photos, here it is, PLEASE CHECK IT OUR FOR ME! Below

Nevada Dave/ LAWFISH. DEP. David A. Brown,
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office, Lake Tahoe, Minden Nevada.
