


No the heads are still on and they are staying on. The extra spring was the problem for some reason Hughes shipped them with the extra spring and Hughes says it's not supposed to be there. The machine shop just installed them the way they received them. Yes they should have checked them but right now I'm just happy to have the problem solved without having to take this thing back apart. Now I just need to get the camera out of the cylinder and maybe I can drive this piece of crap.

now that you have said that you will be pulling that head to get the camera out ...

good luck ...

If it went in through the plug hole why wouldn't it come out the same way?

The issue will be grabbing it to get it out thru the plug hole, I'm guessing it wasn't much smaller than the plug hole.

If it were me I'd almost be tempted to pull off the intake , pull the intkae valve spring , make sure the exhaust is closed , put the plug back in , lower the piston some and open the intake valve to the point that the retainer with locks is sitting on top of the guide and use a shop vac to try to suck it out the intake port ...