It's a double pumper and the rear jets are 9 sizes too big. The double pumper secondary opens with the throttle, not by engine demand. So at anything beyond a little above idle you are getting way too much gas.
Add to that the fact that your first run had the floats set waaaay too high and you can see where overfueling problems may crop up. Yuck's approach is good but I'd change it one way: Before you do anything else get a set of 76s in the secondary metering block! Also if your floats are plastic see if they will actually float in gasoline or if they are full of gasoline and sink. This could be half or more of your problem. If they are brass see if they slosh. Submerge the brass floats in hot water and watch for bubbles. The hot water will expand the air inside and if there's a leak there will be bubbles.
