



i did this.

Lewt I like that & I'm gonna try it. I like mileage/cold weather driveability on my DD

best of both worlds!


done at manifold I guess! I don't find a place in head to make that

Wondering about leaks through the lever shaft hole ?

its done in the manifold. no leaks, noise or carbon tracking. lets me drive in hot or cold weather. i believe the manifolds need a certain amount of heat to drive properly. the challenge is regulating the heat. complete block offs aren't any good in cooler temps, 50's or below. fully open heat isn't any good 70's and above. the valve in the intake gives the driver choices. i have used the blocked heat gaskets and drilled or punched a 1/2"-5/8" in the block offs to get some heat without going overboard. its a compromise but does help. i used to do the complete block off back in the day but got away from that years ago.

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