As a tribute to Gary, we would like to encourage anyone that can bring their muscle car or hot rod to the funeral on Monday to be in the funeral procession behind Gary's Challenger, which will be following the Police procession. Bloomfield Twp. Police has requested a rsvp to know approximately how may Classic cars will be in the funeral procession. If you would like to bring your car and participate, please e-mail me at jackgtx440@aol.com or call the Irons' residence at: (248) 627-2268 (if no answer, please leave a message). If you plan on bringing your car, it would be great if you could arrive a little early because a lot of people are expected. Motorcycles are also welcome.

For those of you who would like to have your car in the procession, but are to radical to drive, I want you to know that you are more than welcome to trailer them in the procession. Also for those of you who need to trailer your car to Clarkston then drive them in the procession, will be able to park your trailers at Clarkston Christian Association (CCA) 5529 Sashabaw RD, Clarkston MI 48346. That’s the corner of Maybee and Sashabaw, which is about 1 ½ miles from the church. You can park your trailer in the road by the church or in the nearby sub-division, or I have room at my house for about 15 trailers. Let me know if you are interested, so I can give you directions. E-mail me at jackgtx440@aol.com or call at 248-627-2268

In addition, tentatively there will be a full honor guard ceremony, helicopter fly over, 21 gun salute, etc.

There is a funeral dinner following the service at the Deer Lake Inn in Clarkston.

I would like to reiterate to please bring your cars in honor of one of our own. This would also mean a lot to Gary's wife Nikki and the rest of his family and friends.

Please keep Nikki and the family in your prayers.

On behalf of all of Gary's friends, family, and fellow officers, thank you, Jack Irons Jr.

In addition, thanks to all that have responded and are bringing their cars.

Jack Irons Jr. '67 GTX, turbo 6.1 HEMI