
About 8 years ago I changed the idler arm on my 71 Challenger and it was the poops when i got it but it was better than the original. now that I have a greater appreciation in handling i want to put a good (tight) idler arm on it. I dont remember where I got this last one but Im hoping that all the idlers arent loose like this. It really is the poops. Any experiences with this type of junk? I hope some of the locals might have parts for comparison.

You haven't said what part of the idler arm has worn?
If it's the balljoint, I can't be of much help.

But if it's the bushing-part then you might want to consider changing it out for a solid nylon or ballbearing-version.
IMO a great deal of steering linkage play comes from wimpy rubber bushings which also lets the arm go up and down, instead of only left and right. Up/down-movement of the idler arm lets the pass.side tire be able to vary into a different direction then the driver-side tire. This can give a mushy/sloppy feel in the steeringwheel.

I always change out the rubber bushing for a 2-part nylon version, which I happen to be able to make on my lathe myself.