Hi all I haven't been on this board for a few years but I just wanted to share my very recent experience with having my GTX clone's front bumper rechromed by Ogden Rechrome www.ogdenchrome.com. I was simply stunned at how good the results were. My core was rusty, bent & twisted, I mean UGLY. I was expecting clean driver quality at best and it came back absolutely perfect. Straightening was no small feat as there were several factory compound curves to deal with in the bent areas. The whole process was ridiculously easy too, I just filled out their online quote form with a few pix of my ratty core, they called, discussed the job & gave me a quote. The cool thing is that you just wrap up the bumper & they arrange the shipping. Pricing was very reasonable @$429 including shipping both ways. Definitely top notch service. They will definitely be doing my X's rear bumper and the bumpers for my '68 Bee. Pics below:

6973940-67bumper1.jpg (228 downloads)