crank up the tbar bolts to get the ride height to where the height & rake of the car looks right for where you want it & do this with you in the drivers seat & fairly level from side to side. The alignment shop may not even have a spec for our stuff & even if they do you can(& should) set it ahead of time to where YOU want it. I would also loosen the UCA & LCA bolts right now as if they are tight & you added the eng the change can twist them too far out of their normal range of travel. At the alignment shop set barbells in the drivers seat to match your weight(& a half tank of gas),have the alignment guy tighten the UCA cam bolts TIGHT when he's done & give him some green to take his time & get it right. I got mine right & it just floats down the road.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth