

Are you sure that you had the lifters on the base circle of the cam. If this is a stock engine in a street driven application and the plunger aren't bottoming out in the lifter drive it.

Yes, I made sure all the lifters were at the base of each lobe. I really don't know if the plungers were bottoming as I don't know the total travel they have.

I myself would be concerned with the amount of preload you have because if the lifter pumps up it can hang the valve open, open valve equals no compression.

First you can try to push on the rocker when the lifter is on the base circle to see if the plunger goes down more.


Also, I noticed that the exhaust valves sit about .070" higher than the intake valves. This may complicate finding final pushrod length?

This is a problem that sometimes doesn't get addressed when a head is being rebuilt. Vavle seats at different depths cause this .

You need to fix this one of 2 ways ... SHIMS UNDER THE SHAFT IS NOT ONE OF THEM .... adjustable rockers or adjustable pushrods. I had a set of adjustable pushrods made by Smith, they weren't cheap, get a couple extras to have on hand.