seriously concidering replacing my w2/w5 erson rocker this winter with T@D's or Harlan Sharp's now come's the tricky part, my valve springs are 1.625 dia and most rocker companys only go up to a 1.550 spring, I was told that they can clearance them a little more but that also weaken's the rocker and I really dont want that issue, now the only other thought was to go to a smaller dia spring, I am not sure of the full open pressure but I do know they are 235# on the seat as I have a tester and do check them a couple time a season,,,my question is which way would you guy's go if this was your motor,,clearance the rocker's or smaller dia spring, if one is available at that seat pressure for the roller cam that I use.

Light travels faster than the speed of sound,,,this is why some people seem bright untill you hear them speak.