Many inaccurate statements and plain wrong details. Chrysler's engineers, and ALL other OEM engineers, did not come up with almost identical solutions to the disc/drum brake system idiosyncrasies as part of one giant conspiracy. They came up with these solutions because the problem is the same regardless of who's name is on the vehicle, and the solutions will be very similar.

So when some internet (or magazine) clown says "you don't need it" he is wrong. Hundreds of engineers with more knowledge, more experience and more resources than ANYONE, me included, on this site all agree it's a necessity.

By law they had to do it!!! Plus the company that built them got a very large contract (money) to build them for all the cars makers, so please , don't try to put more into what is really not there! as for my educational background on brakes is high, beside book smart don't make you smart, makes you a smart azz
If you like your prop valve , then by all means run it, ,
after all those engineers got paid allot of money just so you could have it on you're vehicle . right along with the egr valves ,cat converters air pumps ets,

those engineers got that right ! ha ha ha lol