Was the dist disturbed since it ran last? If not ground an ice pick test light and put the tip on the coil negative terminal and see if it blinks on/off while a helper turns the key to start & if the light is not even on trace the wiring back to the bulkhead/thru it to ign switch. If the light is steady on but not blinking when key held to start take off the cap & check the points. If the dist has been moved and the light is blinking and is firing the plugs but no start you may have to get the timing marks at 10BTDC #1 compression & set dist to where the points are JUST opening (key "on" not at "start") and turn dist against rotation till the light just goes ON with the #1 plug wire in the cap terminal over the rotor

Last edited by RapidRobert; 10/30/11 11:22 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth