

Where ya been hiding Ron.... that sounds kick butt,
my sound system got rained on and let the smoke out
and it was a marine system

.MIKE !!!!....been working like a dog... with the economy being bad lots of smaller shops have been closing down near us so we've been absorbing their clients and have actually been buying complete operations. So it leaves me VERY limited keyboard time.
Plus my sons Junior Drag Racing has overthrown ANY spare time I might have...we just took deliver of a complete new car for him(Motivational Tubing offers a big cage car for him) as he steps up in ET due to age..Huddleston Performance is building our 3 3/4 bore motors http://www.huddlestonperformance.com/790%20Heavy%20375%20Package.htm . He's also a pretty good athlete and is on Div 1 football recruit watch lists at 13 years old. He has verbal interest from 2 SEC schools(He carries a 4.5 weighted GPA in honors classes). So he's been going to lots of combines and playing games here. I'll try to sneak in more often...I miss this place at times REALLY bad....
Here's a pic of my 6'tall 210 lb size 13 shoe wearing 13yo on his 13th B-Day 10/1/2011

Thats pretty good Ron.... a brain and a jock
must have got the brains from his mother