Well from what I see in the video the rear suspension is doing nothing at all. I agree with some of what has been posted already. You are going to need to loosen the rear shocks on both extension and compression and IMO a four link adjustment woulg be on my to do list. Any idea what the IC and hieght is now?

My junker was doing similar things on cold tracks-vs-hot tracks although not to that extent. I was having a problem "holding" on to the track on cold days. We found a 4 link setting that works well in both, with a much shorter IC than before. now we just make adjustments to the shocks for varying track conditions/temps. I am not as quick as you but 60' but in the 1.teens on a good day at sea level and can go 8'ohs.

Would love to pick your brain a little on the 99 hemi thing.

Oh yeah BTW I think your problem is to much wheelspeed