Yupp...We all had a blast! It was a great weekend for the Mopars. Joe Schmall took home the big cash Saturday in his 69 Fury and Steve won Sunday. The old 64 was turnin and burnin on Saturday. I got down to seven cars in Pro and lost on a double breakout...But still got to hit the pay window!! Sunday,I found a new way to lose..The car launched great as it always does and when I pulled second gear the shift chip flew out of my MSD lite! So I am watching the tach and the other car. I treed the crap outta him and had a good lead...I tapped the brakes too hard and he went by my and took the win! So I think next year we will continue the rivalry...It is too much fun! You got me this year,longhair but I will be gunning for ya in 2012!!

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