
I've got four dual-snorkel air cleaners in the garage thanks to that quest (fresh air from grill).. hehe.. Ends up that if I leave the battery in the stock location it becomes very complicated. I thought that a good exhaust shop might be able to shape some pipes to go down under the bumper area, then up across the sides of the engine bay or something but I haven't tried the routing yet. I'll need to grab some PVC and elbows to mock it up sometime.

The Mopar dual snorkel is off of something with a 400 and I need to weld the doors on it open (it looks like just serve to block off the air intakes like a choke?)

The GM is off of an 80's Camaro and despite having access to nicely shaped air inlets I can't find those silly oval hoses for the life of me.. (well, for anything less than outrageous money)

The Ford one is off of an 80s mustang and it points one of the snorkels right into the battery.. Doh. And, the big air tubes for gathering air are huge..

And, the dual snorkel I was going to make out of two air cleaners go stalled because one of the air cleaners in question is the banana-door style that is a one or two year only design and I couldn't put that to the dremel tool.. It'll be up on ebay eventually.. hehe.. as will the GM and Ford air cleaners..

Thats why I'm thinking hood scoop action.. Hopefully something that can be done on a fiberglass hood so I don't ruin my original.