
First off I had an absolute blast at MMW! It was a long ride and well worth it. Josh did an amazing job, as did everyone involved. The track prep was amazing and Scott the announcer kicked tail. Now for Ben at Promax. Good 'ol Ben at ProMax. I was in a major jamb Saturday morning. Smoked my starter. Bought it from Mancini. Broke my battery cable end taking the old one out. Run to the swap side. Hit up Ben. Tell him my jamb. Goes into his tool box and digs out a nasty old copper end and says, "What's it worth to you"? I say "What?". He says, "Well how much is it worth?". I say "How much do you need?". Five dollars later I got the end. A 50 cent end may I add. Yes I needed it to fix my car, and yes 5 bucks is only 5 bucks, but WHAT THE %&^%*^%?!?!?!?!?!? In my opinion, Ben's no racer at all. He just wants money. Any racer would have offered it up for free and may have accepted the $5 I would have offered up. A real man would have declined the $5 and wished good luck. I've spent alot of money with Ben over the years and will never give him another dime. Even if it means I don't have a part to fix my car!! Rant over.

First off, Ben wasn't there as a racer. He was there as a vendor. Vendors have to pay a fair amount just to set up, and they then have to sell a fair amount just to cover the setup, gas and other expenses. Then, as a salesman and businessman, he has to sell even more product to put food on the table and pay the mortgage. That's how he makes a living. Secondly, a battery cable-sized lug made of copper costs more than 50 cents. You priced copper lately? Now, in the interest of good will, is it a good idea to throw someone a bone once in a while as a good gesture? Sure, and maybe in hindsight he might wish he had done just that, but it's totally unfair for you to A) expect it for free, and then B) trash him on a public forum for trying to run a business. I don't get it. As for my experience, Ben has always been fair with me and a gentleman on top of that. [Climbs off soapbox.]

(FKA Racer Al back in 2000...)