

can you use the shaft out of a manual steering column?

Yes. If you are comfortable with fabricating.
Cut and splice or cut and add. Index the pin and I'm pretty sure it's 3" difference.


Section 3" into your steering shaft or what I did was cut an end off a junker at the yard, manual or automatic.
and cut your old shaft where the new piece will give you 3 more inches
grind 45 chamfers on both sides to give the weld bead some room
remember to line up reference holes to keep wheel in somewhat of an alignment. Clamp in V blocks or whatever you have.
Tack one side and check alignment, tack again at 120 degrees, check again and then 3rd tack. If straight run the bead
Grind down slag, sand and paint to prevent flash rust. Done deal!
Rolled it and its straight as an arrow. Reassemble column with new longer shaft. Now It'll reach your manual box!