Need a little advice from the carb experts, I changed
over this weekend to alky, in my car for some testing
purposes, mostly everything went as planned, with the
exception of 1 problem that croped up, the car will
not do a decent burnout, it pops, and bangs in the
box, like it is on a two step, the car leaves the line
as it
should, but the water box problem has me perplexed,
I did not take my gas stuff with me to change back if
there was a problem, so I didn't get to see if it was
something about the car or the carb, I borrowed the
carb from a friend that ran it on his car, until it
lost the engine a while back, I replaced the pump gaskets.
and cleaned it good, it cranks and idles great, revs great, but
I figured the carb was lean on the front 2 barrels,
being the reason it was popping in the water box, but turning the
air screws out made no difference with the problem, so if someone
has any suggestions I am all ears, the car ran fine last weekend
on gas, so I don't really suspect that there is something
wrong with the car, and to finish up, the car didn't run a
bit faster on alky than it did on gas, can lay time slips
side by side and there is no difference in the et's and mph's
go figure, I have always heard that if you were set up right
on gas going to alky there would be very little gain, but the
car does run a bit cooler.
