
great-dec car with e60`s-is it a hamtramck car? what does or did the tire decal say? thanx for the reply.
all the best

Nope. LA Plant

While we're on the subject. Anyone ever seen an E60-15 that did NOT have the size in a raised white leter ?

Granted I only started paying that close attention to tires was when I bought this car.
And I bought this particular car about 1998.
But, I've never seen an original tire that did not have the E60-15 in a raised white letter. And I looked hard for about 6 or 7 years. But I think I found 2 or maybe 3 tires total that were reasonable enough (to me) to purchase.
As I had no interest in paying $500 and up for old tires.

I finally gave up and bought the repop no size F60-15's from Jim Minor( member here) and sold the original E60's I did find.

Last edited by gtx6970; 09/07/11 02:44 PM.