
outstanding! I'll have to give the easy-off a shot. I'm not sure about bagging it though, doesn't that stuff give off hydrogen gas? bagging it gives you a giant hydrogen balloon. can anyone say "Hindenburg?"

or is that only when you use it on aluminum to remove anodizing, and the cleaner reacts with the aluminum?

anyway...that stock paint is tough stuff! I had a spot coming off on my grille, tried to sand it smooth so I could spray bomb it to make it look better while I had the car still on the road...and it wouldn't sand! instead, it would slowly flake off instead of sanding smooth. instead of getting the flat smooth transition that you wont see once painted...it remained a hard edge that even primer wouldn't fill.

I gave up and just painted it as it was, since the rest of the car was at the time, in rough shape.

That's the problem I have. Paint seems real hard, doesn't sand well a flakes/chips off. Will try the oven cleaner.

it's ok to butt heads, just don't do it with a butthead