I took these wheels and tires off thepickup this morning. Dismounted the tires and sand blasted them bare. Put them in Dupont 2510 DTM epoxy primer all by lunch time.
Then shot them in argent silver in PPG lacquer that I had on the shelve now for about 5 years. I was getting nervous and afraid it was going bad. To tell you the truth it sprayed kinda funny today? I think the paint may be going bad, 5 years old.
Anyway I got em done and ready for the tire mounting and balancing. They should look nice with Mopar argent silver!!

You really have to know your stuff when you spray 3 kinds of paint by 2 different suppliers in one day. I sprayed BC/CC, single stage urethane cat acrlic enamel and lacquer all today.

My messy paint mixing table.

Also did some stuff in gloss black today and did my new WV 15X10" wheels I got for my 74.