
Damn Mike, if you were going to live this long why the he!! did you take such crappy care of yourself

All kidding aside, I am the biggest sissy when it comes to medical issues and surgery. With all of the stuff you've been thru I would have jumped off a cliff by now . Hope you recover fast and knowing you you'll be out there back at it in no time.

LOL... I'm a sissy also.... but a little surgery here
and there SURE BEATS the alternative... I sure dont
want to be pushing up daisy's.......... yet.... it
was funny when the doc was asking question this morning...
he knew about my heart attacks and my stroke then
some how asked if I was ex-military... I said yes
and that I was in Nam and I said that I was hit 3
times, side, shoulder and the head...... he said, I
think you've used up all of my 9 lives... I said maybe
so BUT I would like to think I have a few more to go...