I was pleasantly surprised at the turn out of race cars; thought it would have been less. The highlight was while I was standing on the starting line watching sportsman a guy in a late model Chally overstages and "backs up" into the beams at the direction of the starter. Tree comes down...reverse lights are still on. Hammered it in reverese!! YIKES!!! Luckily he caught it right away and no harm done except for his ego.

There was a car show yesterday?? You must mean the 15 cars parked on the pavement... (The tan 63 Max Wedge car was WAAAAAY COOL, though)

Swap meet?? You mean the 6 guys with the junk scattered on the ground?? Hey, there were "bargains": The "ported" J heads for $100...the internally balanced 360 cast crank for $25...the guy who drilled the counterweight and welded in the mallory must have been BLIND. And drunk!

Nice weather was a surprise and the added bonus of a cool military airshow next door at Mather made an okay day...even though we were out in the 2nd round after a -.003 red light. Opponet went .330 for the win. @*&@%^$#&@*^%!!!!!!!

Isn't there still a Mopar gig at Infinion, or did that die off as well??