There were some great, tight, close races. Some were as close as in the ten thousandsth of a second. Some races RT's were identical. One guy cut a .0004 light and ran dead on his dial in. Some cars rand right on their dial in & didn't win, even with a really tight good RT.

I did get to met & talk to a couple of people on here, not as many as I would've liked, but the ones I talked to are good people.

My son was driving in my place as I was limited to the ATV and crutches. You may remember my story of breaking my femur back in May, night before Columbus race. Still not walking and saw my Dr on Friday. The bone isn't healing very well with 1/16-1/8" gap between the bone ends. He said he's going to operate again in about 2 weeks to try to get the bone ends together. If that dosen't work There'll be another operation to put a bigger rod in my leg. My son gave it his best though. Went 2 rounds Sat, but lost 1st rd. today having to give the other car a 4.2 second head start. He slowed for some reason by 1/2 second at the 1/8 and ran .7 off in the 1/4. But this was the first time he'd driven a car this quick/fast & he did get a rd. win.

Tough luck award? I'm thinking Lonnie Smith. He entered everything he could I believe. Some cars made a run in one class and they were calling the next class into the lanes, so they were hot lapping it. Don't see how you guys do it. No cool down, running a race and straight back to the lanes to run the next class. Lonnie can tell you about his experiences. Jenni was a real killer both days from what I could see. A ton of well prepped good looking cars.

All in all, even through the pain, I did enjoy seeing good close racing. That's it from my end of things. Oh yeah, they canceled my wheelchair/crutches race. LOL