I guess I already new the answer, just didn't realize it? My car went fastest with a 15.1 x 33.6 x 15 stiff sidewall tire, but is still slower than 440JIMs car. My best is a 1.259, his best is somewhere in the 1.22s. I run 8.80s Jims car is in the mid/low nines.
I kept thinking that maybe it was some roll out, better converter, what ever. But then while playing with the Dragstrip 2000 program, it showed 60 ft gains the smaller I went with the rear tires. Not small gains, but a full .02x going down to a 31.25 x 12.5 x 15. Go figure. OK chassis experts, your experiences?
P.S. I am sort of looking for that majic combo, consistancy plus speed!

Last edited by gregsdart; 08/13/11 09:07 AM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky