


Was there a different way I should have handled this situation? It's not about our company, it's about all our customers satisfaction and that we are a good stuart to the hobby that matters.

Michael C. Ross - Owner
B/E & A Restoration Parts, Inc.

Actually yes. First off I am in no way blasting YOU personally and appreciate parts being made for our old Mopar muscle. That being said I would of had them pulled from the market place. There were and still are alot of vendors STILL selling the junk ones after you said they were junk. Between your company who sells here in the states and Peter in Canada(PG Classics) who actually makes these parts,a large percentage could have been removed from the market place by contacting whole-sale people you guys supplied. Instead these will be floating around for years to come on e-bay,flea markets and project cars etc.. Now knowing this was also going to be a large problem. I would have also made a marking of some sort so everyone would know these are the correctly tooled ones marked like "2nd generation" so people are not afraid to purchase them. Was this done? If so can we see the identifying marks so we can distinguish between the two? Again you asked so I figured I would let you know how I would have handled it and made it better for the hobbyist.

"a large percentage could have been removed from the market place by contacting whole-sale people you guys supplied."

Now why would you just make the assumption that wasn't done? You know that to be a fact that we didn’t? Dealers didn’t stock that part because of the price. They were notified immediately that the plates were no longer available until the new tooling was completed. All customers that purchased plates from B/E & A were notified of the potential problem and course of action.

If there really was that many plates in the market that didn’t fit don’t you think we would of heard of more than just a couple here on Moparts?

Instead of making statements as facts, call me first so I can tell you the rest of the story so when you post you’ll have it right.

First off,Yes they are many that don't fit. I have a few buddies(Non moparts members)that have them and they don't fit,plus the pallet of them from your warehouse,plus the ones from the guy on e-bay who you said is selling the ones that don't fit...and your own words.."Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not making excuses for the 4-speed top plates. Those were the same as a shortstop booting around a grounder until he finely sticks a fork in it. Many of them were awful, never should have hit the market and I’ll take total blame for the part."
So now you are trying to say it was only a few members here that had problems and you re-tooled them for those people????

Next is the issue of leaving them in the market place. They were still available at all the shows and on the internet from suppliers while there was no second generation one yet. There is a difference "pulling" something from the market place versus "warning" them of a problem. I actually showed one dealer last year at Carlisle they don't fit and was asked to leave the tent. He said "I was scaring off potential customers and if I wasn't goin to buy please leave". That's not your fault but letting you know they were still out there pushing the product. Now the biggest question is to avoid any confusion is there markings to tell the 2 apart??
You asked what could have been done and I replied what I would have done. Again it's nothing personal just to me it makes good business better.