Lately I've been thinking about putting a stock stroke 400 back into one of my Charger Ralleys. It's a 400 4speed from the factory and I put a Orange 440 sixpack in it years ago. I want to use the pack engine in another 71 I have and return the Charger to the way it was born.

So now that the Pure Stock Drags allows 1.5 points of compression over stock advertised I've been thinking about what pistons to use to get me to 10 to 1. I'd like to keep it cheap as I have other expensive things going on right now, so forged customs are out.

Looking at the KB240's they would come up way below the deck. I'd like to stay away from milling the death out of my castings. Looking at the 440 KB184's which have a compression distance of 1.992 they look like they would put me just above the deck. I would have to adjust the quench dome but that is no big deal.

Anyone ever try this?