So, I have a '69 charger that I got back from the body shop. Long story short, after paying an arm and a leg and promising my first born grandchild to them, i got the car back, but not all the way back togeather the way I dropped it off.

Among other things, they did not put the new glass in. I got a big cardboard box with window parts in it, and I have no idea how they go in, what goes where, etc etc.

I bought new regulators for the doors, but everything else I planned on re-using (if it's good enough shape).

Does anyone have a picture of the front and rear window mechanism installation on a '69 charger? I'd sure appreciate it. I work on aircraft for a living and we tag and bag every little screw that comes off, these guys just threw everything in a box. It's very frustrating tyring to put the puzzle back togeather.

They seem to have lost the chrome strips from the outside top of the doors too, and noone seems to make those strips.

Last edited by uh60lbhawk; 07/03/11 07:35 PM.