
I've waited on people to get to the line many times. The one time my battery died at the Mopar Nats my opponent came back to my pit area after I won and whined like a baby cuz his car got so hot waiting on me. Guess he didn't know how to shut it off.

Had that happen at a local track's mopar day this year. We were instructed to go back to the staging lanes after the semi's so i pull up in the lane and get out of the car and the other guy's car is running and i explain that my motor is at 220* and i need ten min to cool it off. Guy goes off on a rant and says if i cant go now i should just forfeit. he then proceeds to tell this to the guy at the head of staging who laughed, then got back in his car and went back to the pits to get water to cool the car off because it was now too hot because it sat running the whole time. I wait for him to come back ( i could have taken a single since he never said where he was going) and took .03 on him on the tree and ran him down. That felt good.