
Something else is wrong, don't blame the rake angle of the car.

With a 108" wheelbase, which the Barracuda has, raising the rear by 1" changes the caster by only 0.5 degrees negative. With the stock setup this makes no problem for adjustment.

Arc tangents notwithstanding, and with all due respect, OP has stated that the rear eccentrics are all the way in.

In my humble experience (aligning thousands of cars for a living in a previous life), the geometry of the stock suspensions on these cars did not lend themselves to lots of positive caster. Combine that with some rake, and today's approach for going a bit negative on camber, and the search for positive caster gets even more difficult.

I stand by my first post with the four alternatives. And more importantly, there's nothing "wrong" with his car.

Down to just a blue car now.