
Dry sump oiling system

Posted By: Chargerfan68

Dry sump oiling system - 09/03/11 06:02 AM

I am actually asking this question for my 21 year old nephew. He is very interested in learning , and he is attempting to build his first race car. ( I know it;s not a Mopar) An Audi 2.o litre turbo car.

I try to help him all I can with info, but I know nothing about dry sumps. So here is his question and we would appreciate it if you could advise:

"dry sump oil system
im looking into a dry sump oil system for my build. (2L turbo race engine)

im trying to find a good electric pump, if someone can point me in the right direction.
also i see they make 1,2,3,4,5 stage pumps. can someone school me on what exactly this means and what i should look for in a good pump."

thanks very much,
Posted By: EchoSixMike

Re: Dry sump oiling system - 09/03/11 06:16 AM

Electric oiling sounds like a very bad idea, even if it were available. Dry sump pumps are either bet driven or driven off the regular oil pump shaft(Missile type)

Stages refers to the number of pump segments, one will be pressure, so the minimum you can have in a dry sump system is 2. The remainder are scavenge stages, typically 3 or 4, resulting in a 4 or 5 stage pump. Typically you'll have 2 or 3 scavenging the pan, then possibly one pulling from the valley or the head(s). S/F....Ken M
Posted By: AndyF

Re: Dry sump oiling system - 09/03/11 06:23 AM

Electric isn't going to work without getting super exotic on the motor. Everyone uses belt driven dry sump pumps for a reason.

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