
Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event

Posted By: codfish

Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 05:20 AM

All I can say is wow!! I have not seen the show since it changed it's format. Only the commercials. Who the hell is Willie B? Rich's boy friend?

And since when is it against the rules to run coolant at the track? Yeah it's a PITA when someone has a spill, and no-one sure as heck wants to have one, but to basically embarass those two guys on national TV, and in front of the fans. I would have punched Rich right then and there.

Why do we have to see the same footage 2 or 3 times during the show? I love drag racing, and the more coverage the better. But this is getting out of hand. And the up coming FOUR lane racing?

Too bad Ken Herring and especially Clay Millican is associated with this crap.

Rant off

Posted By: mopar4eversk

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 05:40 AM

Actually, a lot of tracks are banning anti-freeze, too much trouble for clean up.
Posted By: codfish

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 05:48 AM


Actually, a lot of tracks are banning anti-freeze, too much trouble for clean up.

Really? So it's a local (track) decision, and not an NHRA or IHRA rule then?

New show still stinks though.

Posted By: kruger

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 07:15 AM

And.....they traded two Prichetts for one DJ? Huuuu?Maybe they'll start there own show?
I still love the racin,but don't like the new format.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 07:34 AM

Any track i've run at one of the first question is are you running anti-freeze,because your NOT suppose to..its almost impossible to clean up and the knuckleheads that get pass tech with it and then overheat or blow a head gasket are the cause for all the delays in the racing..
Posted By: Jacob Pitt

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 10:51 AM

I live around DFW and saw a lot of friends on the show last night. Like Matty who was in the blue Nova that got beat with four cars left. She is a local bracket racer. I was really cheesed that the show spent more time in Rich's face talking about coolant than showing cars going down the track, and what was with the starting line view? Why no finish line shots all night. It was lame.
Posted By: emarine01

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 01:13 PM

I like the way they always go to a commercial just before they get to the stripe Great marketing for their customers but it just plain sucks to watch
Posted By: 2QUICK4U

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 01:23 PM

when you register for pinks all says no antifreeze,they will be checking your cars during tech.i like the kid last night show,said he drained it at the track,but forgot about the antifreeze in the block.
Posted By: codfish

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 02:41 PM

I think the water rule is a good idea, just don't agree with the public humiliation(where's my spell check gone ) of the two drivers in question. Done in bad taste.

Posted By: slippery440

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 02:56 PM

I agree with the no antifreeze and the ban. Only because they were warned and signed up for the race with those rules. Now putting those people on TV and degrading them. That lost me as a veiwer. Plus I was hopeing the first guy would of punched old Richy.I would never take that from anyone.
Posted By: Kindafast

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:15 PM

I feel the same way about the antifreeze rule, but the cocky attitude from Rich has gone too far. I know how I am when someone get's in my face and most other racers are the same. Someone needs to give him a little "get right" soon to curb the tude. I like the show and the format, but the producers need to remember these people are racers first and not actors.
Posted By: Jeepmon

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:19 PM

I have to side with the show on this issue.. All the racers know antifreeze is prohibited.
Posted By: RonP

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:20 PM

Yeah, I did Pinks this year and it was fun, because of all the cool racers and friends, not the show folks by any means. This makes me laugh because during the "driver meeting" Rich was a total donkey. He was very cocky and must have said a few times that if a driver had antifreeze, he would have a "face to face" with them about how stupid they were and they would be banned from any of his shows for life. Sounded good to me because I won't be going back to them anyway.

and as far as being a viewer, I am done as well. the show has gotten ridiculous and Rich and crew think a little too much of themselves.
Posted By: PolyDart

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:22 PM

Hopefully Rich calling those guys out will work to make others realize that their actions affect others. If the rules state no anti-freeze, either don't race, or comply. Down time sucks
Posted By: dakotahotrodder

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:37 PM

If I remember correctly, those 2 cars were already in the staging lanes. They had called some up into staging before his driver meeting. Tech didn't check squat, at least the guy in my lane. It is a reality show first and a drag race third......never did figure out what was second. They didn't show all the ranting Rich did about the cleanups before he talked to the guys. They also didn't show how he announced the 11 second class and everyone booing him because of his "unpopular decision" based on all the e-mails he received about people wanting to see cars that people built themselves, after stating numerous times that it would be a 32 car field. With that, I had a great time, got to make a couple passes at a new track and met some very nice people and am glad I went because of that.
Posted By: toddd

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:42 PM

I disagree ...the TECH guys should've been the ones hung by their nuts.

Yes the drivers are guilty BUT is it not the TECH process that should be scrutinized?????.

The show is sinking my eyes.

It's not "All-OUT"'s "All-DRAMA".

I'm losing interest in this show quickly.....which sucks because it gives the "average" racer , drivers and cars we never get to see, some exposure.
Posted By: dusturbd340W5

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:54 PM

well anti-freeze sucks to clean up but around here the tracks get so many sportsman racers that race there every day car if they ban antifreeze they will lose over half there racers.
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 03:54 PM

It aint about the antifreeze, or drag racing - it's about "me" and of course - the money. Kinda reminds me of O.C.C. or West Coast Choppers. A bunch of bantering BS! Richie himself admitted he knows nothing about cars - "I don't even know how to open the hood on my own car." It's a shame that drag racing in general is associated with that crap.
Posted By: hemiparts

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 04:55 PM

It's TV guys what can really expect ????? It's sure better than watching a bunch of folks living in a house or playing Tarzan in some fake "Wild & Dangerous jungle" And as far as the antifrezze I'll bet the first time you stuffed your car into the guardrail because some D.A dumped antifreeze all over the track you'd have a diffrent opinion
Posted By: Kindafast

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 05:33 PM

I think we all agree about the antifreeze issue. I am as most have agreed talking about the attitude the show has taken. I went to one of the shows a couple of years ago, and would go back again. but heaven forbid him or any other cat for that matter get in my face and not expect to pick up some teeth. I try my best to treat people with a certian amount of respect, but I demand to be treated with the same.
The average racer at the track normally gets a grand total of 3 runs for the whole weekend so it's the racers and spectators that are paying for the show. We all go to have fun and maybe win some money,not to get insulted.
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 05:55 PM

When it's more about the "characters" than the cars, it's a "Soap Opera" - and one Clay Millican will never legitamize it.
Posted By: Harley

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 06:15 PM

The new format stinks. The real problem is Rich period. He was right for getting upset with the anti-freeze deal, but his ego and lack of drag racing knowledge is what’s turning viewer's off. I know it was his idea to put this together and bring it to everyone’s living room, but it’s time for him to go. I think the show would benefit with a different host.
Who would you like to see take Rich’s place?
Posted By: 05dakota

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 06:17 PM

they were told the rules and didnt follow them.


I think the water rule is a good idea, just don't agree with the public humiliation(where's my spell check gone ) of the two drivers in question. Done in bad taste.


Posted By: codfish

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 06:36 PM


they were told the rules and didnt follow them.


I think the water rule is a good idea, just don't agree with the public humiliation(where's my spell check gone ) of the two drivers in question. Done in bad taste.


So you think it's OK to make the guys feel like 2 cents in front of thousands of people?

Sorry, but I wasn't raised that way.
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 07:11 PM


The new format stinks. The real problem is Rich period. He was right for getting upset with the anti-freeze deal, but his ego and lack of drag racing knowledge is what’s turning viewer's off. I know it was his idea to put this together and bring it to everyone’s living room, but it’s time for him to go. I think the show would benefit with a different host.
Who would you like to see take Rich’s place?

Posted By: Harley

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 07:45 PM



The new format stinks. The real problem is Rich period. He was right for getting upset with the anti-freeze deal, but his ego and lack of drag racing knowledge is what’s turning viewer's off. I know it was his idea to put this together and bring it to everyone’s living room, but it’s time for him to go. I think the show would benefit with a different host.
Who would you like to see take Rich’s place?


Lol. I was thinking more like Andrew Dice Clay. Lol.
I think Dean Skuza would make a pretty good host.
Posted By: codfish

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 07:57 PM


Who would you like to see take Rich’s place?

But only if he body slammed him first.

Posted By: Duster426

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 08:16 PM

I still like Pinks All-out. The original Pinks just does not work for me but All-out is cool. All-out has always been kinda of goofy from the beginning but I can over look that part of it. Same goes for Pass Time( another of Rich C's ideas supposedly). Goofy in a way but I really like it. I never thought A televised bracket type racing event would get enough sponsors or ratings to make it.
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 08:35 PM

I stink at the tree. Can't wait for the "arm drop" to replace it!
Posted By: Jeepmon

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 07/31/09 11:42 PM

I'll agree, Rich is a changed man.. When compared to cutting his teeth during the first season.. BUT.. what everyone seems to be over looking is Pinks and PAO is a great shot in the arm for our sport..

In addition, how many of us small time racers has a chance to be on national TV along with the chance to win $18K in cash and prizes?

The show is changing, the people are changing and so is our sport.. but I will forever be grateful for the way Rich C has brought our sport into our living rooms..
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 08/01/09 12:08 AM

I have to agree that the new format stinks. The smoothies at both ends of the track need to go. I was surprised they didn't get rid of Rich when the dill-hole took the spill on the crotch rocket.
Posted By: mr_340

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 08/01/09 12:11 AM

I never liked the arm drop start. If you are going to do old school, get a flagman like the old days. That must be some street racer/ricer deal. I think they would be better off using the tree. They had a puppet/marionette on the No Problem show. Maybe they could wire it to the tree and get rid of Rich? I never liked the original PINKS -- too much BS and sandbagging for me. All Out is an improvement, but should just use a tree, IMO.
Posted By: chargermop

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 08/01/09 02:42 AM

willy B is dill-hole Dj from denver, He all most got a beat down for just hoping in my buddys car with out permision..He is a know it all jerk......My
Posted By: SomeCarGuy

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 08/01/09 06:08 AM

So the show's tech didn't catch the antifreeze? Scew the show then, no need to run their mouths.

The racers let it happen? I don't feel sorry, you stand up for yourself. Sounds like their cars weren't up for grabs and they were kicked out anyway. So tell the guy to stop being a candyass.

When people drop antifreeze here in KY, they just get out a flamethrower and burn the crap up. We wouldn't have ANY tracks if you couldn't run antifreeze. I do think most of the racers with track cars run water. But there are still cars with it running and that won't change. Cleanups don't take that damn long and again, you won't race at all unless if it were banned and enforced.
Posted By: The Shadow

Re: Just watched Pinks all Out. Ennis Texas event - 08/01/09 07:48 PM

I thought it was just me that didn't like the new format.
There was a thread a while ago and it seemed like everybody that posted was into the new look.
Glad to see I'm not the only only one who thinks Willie b is Riches bum buddy
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