
Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point:

Posted By: Sunroofcuda

Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/17/21 05:37 PM

I'm not sure when this was done - I'm guessing early 2000's or so. There's even a part where you can read the hood emblem which does say "440 MAGNUM." I've never seen it before today - enjoy.
Posted By: moparmike1

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/17/21 10:46 PM

Thanks for sharing!

The copyright date at the very end was 2008.

Posted By: 1972CudaV21

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/17/21 11:11 PM

I’ve seen the feature a few times. But, it was fun to watch once again👍
Posted By: IMGTX

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/17/21 11:29 PM

Really cool. Thank you.

The DVD of the original gone in sixty seconds had an extra feature. It was the directors daughter doing a retrospective of the movie and the car. I wish I could find it but it had lots if interesting information like the movie was shot without blocking off streets so regular people were in the movie. In the scene where Eleanor the Mustang clipped a car on the interstate, spun out of control and hit a light pole, the car he clipped was just a regular person just driving along and that scene wasn't supposed to end like that.

This is that wreck.

You can't do movies like that anymore. Those scenes were shot with high speed driving, not slow driving with the footage sped up like they do most of the time today.
Posted By: Sunroofcuda

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/17/21 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by IMGTX
Really cool. Thank you.

The DVD of the original gone in sixty seconds had an extra feature. It was the directors daughter doing a retrospective of the movie and the car. I wish I could find it but it had lots if interesting information like the movie was shot without blocking off streets so regular people were in the movie. In the scene where Eleanor the Mustang clipped a car on the interstate, spun out of control and hit a light pole, the car he clipped was just a regular person just driving along and that scene wasn't supposed to end like that.

This is that wreck.

You can't do movies like that anymore. Those scenes were shot with high speed driving, not slow driving with the footage sped up like they do most of the time today.

Well, I'm not sure about all the details about that scene you presented, but Halicki did get fairly badly hurt in the crash (the crash was NOT planned). I think he got a few broken ribs out of the deal. Speaking of Gone in 60 Seconds, I had a chance to buy one of the cop cars from the movie - it was in a wrecking yard in Phoenix. It was an early 70's Fury with a 383 as I recall. That movie & the background of it are pretty sensational.
Posted By: That AMC Guy

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/18/21 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by IMGTX
..... It was the directors daughter doing a retrospective of the movie and the car.

I have to stop you right there. It was his wife, Denise Shakarian Halicki. Toby and Denise were barely married for 6 months and Toby (supposedly) never had any children. If he did, none have come forward.
Secondly, don't believe a word she says. She's the Yoko Ono of the Halicki story. They didn't even become an item until sometime in 1986 so she has no first-hand knowledge of the filming or anything like that.

She's the reason the Halicki estate which was once valued at around 19 million was later deemed insolvent and most of Halicki's assets were sold off for pennies on the dollar. There's a reason there's no Halicki museum that houses his toy collection - it was all sold off.

She's also the reason the original soundtrack was not used in the remastered version of the film. The original soundtrack featured half a dozen songs written and performed by Phil Katcheturian and brother Ron Halicki. Since they owned the songs outright, she had to approach them for permission to use in the film. The short version is she asked Ron & Phil to DONATE their rights to the songs to her, so she could use them in the movie as it used to be. Now to their credit, they did briefly consider the option as, it would make legal matters infinitely easier, however when they asked if they'd get any proceeds from the film afterwards, Denise's reply was: "No" as through several court battles, she wrangled the rights to the films away from the Halicki family. When Ron and Phil were told they'd never see a penny, they told her to pound sand. I can't watch the "porno music" version today. The original music is timed perfectly to several scenes and these scenes make NO sense without the music which renders the scenes virtually pointless.

Also, with the original sound, you get to hear actual tire screeches, actual crashes.... EVERYTHING was recorded live as it happened. To wit, Eleanor sounds like an absolute PILE by the time she pulls into the Rosecran's Car Wash! When Toby shuts her off and gets out, the engine diesels for a few seconds. It's absolutely priceless and MAKES the scene real. That car is USED UP by the end of the film!

Incidentally, when they first steal Eleanor with the oddly bent screwdriver, the location is 18511 Mariposa Ave in Gardena. That was Toby's house at the time! They even mention the address later in the film.
The house still looks very much the same.

I've been thinking about getting in touch with Ron Halicki. I'd love to chew his ear off about the film but I don't want to bring up any bad blood about Denise and the court cases. From the few people who HAVE given me the opportunity to talk with them about Toby's films, it's apparently still a very touchy subject with the family.

Attached picture 1305-gone-in-60-seconds-h-b-halicki-stripped-sportsroof.jpg
Posted By: racerx20

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/18/21 02:57 PM

Fitting that Chris Cornell was a Kowalski fan.
Posted By: IMGTX

Re: Great Feature on Orig. Vanishing Point: - 06/19/21 07:56 AM

Amc Guy, thank you for the clarifications.

I was going by memory when I referred to her as the daughter and not the wife.

It was still a very interesting story and I am looking for the DVD now, but with what you said about her it makes sense that nobody has that DVD extra uploaded. She probably doesn't want anyone watching it for free.
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