
Last time I used a engine hoist to lift the car I put a length of 2x2 .120 wall tube across the frame rails & used a chain bolted to that to lift... slide it all the way up to the area occupied by the radiator....

The tube is inside the engine compartment so nothing needs to be removed... Bumper & grill stay where they are...

I have a steel dolly that I use to roll the engine/trans/K/suspension under the car..... BTW if you break the lower ball joints you won't have to bleed the brakes...

And if you don't want to have to re-align the front end be aware the K member can shift ever so slightly, either make some marks so you can be sure it went back where it belongs or the truly accurate method is before anything comes apart drill a couple small alignment holes through the K & into the frame... That way when you put it back together you slip a couple alignment pins in the holes & tighten it up...

Really good tips...